blamO bOOks

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Archive for the tag “Grammar”

YouTube Grammar Lessons

Source: xckd

I wouldn’t categorize myself as a Grammar Nazi.  I’m more like a Grammar Marie Antoinette.  I look down my [rather large] nose at the poor, pitiful peons that can’t seem to hang their apostrophes in the right place or choose the proper word among a simple set of homophones.  Most writers loathe the fools that butcher their precious language.  But mine is not a feeling of disdain, really.  Yes, when I see a “your welcome” sign, out slips a haughty giggle, a conceited snigger, a cocky chuckle.

But when it comes to reading YouTube comments, my pride flips into a higher gear.
After scanning the non-sensical rubbish that people have posted, I do tend to believe that I rank among the top 0.13% of the American population in grammatical awareness and perhaps, intelligence.  You, reader, are no doubt ranked with me in that elite tiny percentage of about 400,000 people.  Would you care to use those fools to your advantage?

YouTube Grammar Lessons
Scan YouTube comments for poor grammar.  Then use the comments to teach grammar mini-lessons by copying and pasting the comments onto your interactive white board, your morning work pages, your weekly homework packets, or your newsletters.  Students can work alone or in partners to correct the comments.  The grammar work is more real than any ditto or worksheet, because your students are correcting the grammatical errors of real-life [idiot] adults.  The results are fabulously snobby and engaging.

Good luck breeding your little YouTube-comment Gestapo!

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